About | Balglass Manufacture in Europe

About us

JSC "Balakhninskoe steklo" produces a glass bottle for the enterprises of the liquor industry, producers of juices, mineral water, ketchups and vegetable oils. The company produces bottles made of colorless glass, mainly according to the customer's drawings, and also performs decoration of glass products.


The company is certified according to ISO 9001, which ensures strict management of business processes, their monitoring and analysis for the purpose of effective and efficient work of the organization.
Consistent adherence to the methodology of system and process approaches guarantees the competitiveness of JSC «Balakhninskoe steklo» in domestic and international markets. Thanks to this, the company is distinguished by the stability of product quality, its safety and compliance with the expectations of our customers.
The plant supplies products to enterprises located in various parts of Russia, as well as to foreign countries:
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia
  • Tajikistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Estonia
  • Georgia
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • Armenia
  • Moldova


Stages of operation

Stage 1: Request processing.
Stage 2: Development of the order and production of the bottle, drawing (the sketch) of the product.
Stage 3: Technical preparation (determination of production terms, approval of the drawing).
Stage 4: Signing the contract.
Stage 5: Launching the product into production.

Terms of delivery

The delivery time of the product is specified in the request.

The product quality must meet the requirements of GOST R 10117.1-2002, GOST R 10117.2-2001 or the corresponding specification, as well as hygiene certificates.

The delivered product is packed on pallets-1000 x 1200 mm.

Containers and packaging must meet the requirements of current state standards and technical specifications and ensure the safety of goods during their transportation and storage.

If the payment is delayed, the supplier has the right not to ship the goods until the buyer fulfills its payment obligations.

Cargo delivery is carried out by rail or road at the expense of the customer. Basis of delivery - FCA Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region (Incoterms-2000).

Ownership and risks of accidental damage to the goods pass to the buyer on the day the goods are transferred to the buyer or carrier.

If during acceptance by the buyer: non-conformity of products in assortment and quality, shortage, recalculation, violation of container integrity, absence or lack of supporting documentation are revealed, the supplier's responsibilities include timely elimination of the shortcomings identified by the buyer.

The supplier must accompany the cargo with all the documents stipulated in the delivery contract.